
We distinguish between the classic environmental work and the broader work with sustainability.

When we talk about the company's environmental work, we mean waste, wastewater, emissions to air, soil pollution, energy consumption and what in the good old days was called smoke, noise and manure.

This is related to all statutory activities, but also about the activities that are an extension of the Environmental Protection Act, which is based on principles such as: The polluter pays, the precautionary principle (we do not wait until there is a corpse on the table), and the principle that avoid all necessary contamination.

Without a doubt, for some companies it is a suprise to learn that they are subject to the Environmental Protection Act. Of course, they know this on a principled level, but very few people think it has practical significance because not many companies perceive themselves as particularly polluting - and those who do - have consistent control of things in advance.

But the Environmental Protection Act thus applies to both the company's products and operations. That is to say: If you do not have production, but only import of products, the rules on waste, environmentally hazardous waste, chemical substances in products and the like still apply.

  • We examine the environmental challenges

    All companies have some environmental impacts - we analyze your company
  • Prepares a plan for minimizing impact

    We draw up a plan for the process - then we ensure that we get around all aspects
  • We implement in the company

    Together with management and employees, we implement environmental strategies, policies and changed practices.
  • We document systematically

    We document conditions for customers, suppliers and authorities

environmental approval
How do you write an application for environmental approval?

Who needs one?
We’ve written many over the years, and it actually does matter how it is done.

All environmental approvals contain a section on which inspections the company must carry out and which reports they must prepare and, if necessary, submit to the authorities.

It surely pays off to spend the 5 minutes extra assessing how to make it clear and practical.

Life cycle analysis
ECOHouse has for many years been active in life cycle analysis from a product perspective; we have helped many companies minimize their environmental impact - from product development phase all the way to waste management and recycling.

A full life cycle analysis is a huge job and therefore also very expensive. It is also rarely necessary.
Instead, ECOHouse works with tools for life cycle screening and is also happy to help with a critical review of completed life cycle analyzes, which all too often turn out to include only selected processes and activities, and which are therefore misleading.
Certifications in the field of environment
We also help with environment-specific certifications, i.e. ISO 14001.
For more information tjeck certification If your company is considering getting some of its products eco-labeled, we will help with application and documentation (this is a major affair), but we will start by discussing with the company whether this is the way forward, given the costs involved. is associated with eco-labeling.
Contact with the authorities
Do you receive visits from the municipal or national supervisory authorities?

We can help with waste management, wastewater permits, green accounts and documentation to authorities.

Because it is not only companies with environmental approval that are visited by the environmental authorities and must have documentation ready. It applies to many different industries - including many that are not aware of it and are somewhat at a loss when the environmental authorities have visited and raised specific demands.

Many companies also experience that the environmental authorities expect to see some form of "environmental account".

The word "environmental accounts" as such does not exist in environmental legislation, but there are requirements that many companies can account for, for example, which hazardous chemical substances and products enter the company and how they leave companies in a controlled and documented manner.

It is definitely recommended to establish a system to make sure such a "bookkeeping" is done on a regular basis, and you do not suddenly face an unmanageable order, because you have to go through all the year's vouchers to provide the required information.
Claims related to the environment, including product-based claims
We validate all claims in the field of sustainability and the environment; tjeck under compliance management as well as Greenwashing and sustainability compliance management and Greenwashing and sustainability

Do you know the legislation?

It pays off to know the relevant legislation in detail. For example, it can be of utmost importance to know how the legislation defines a welding workplace. This is because i.a. the number of welding jobs that are decisive for whether a forging workshop falls under the very extensive and hassle-free rules on environmental approval or the less hassle-free rules on machine shops.

Unfortunately, we have to note that a number of municipal environmental inspectors have not understood how a welding workplace is defined. It is just not enough to count the number of suction arms - there can be many if you were to be able to make point extraction around all sorts of strange items. It is the number of employees who weld at the same time and the number of welding hours that is crucial, and so many of the smaller forging companies fall below the magic line. They are just do not getting this information from the municipality, which subsequently has to approve and supervise them.
