
Which certificates and why?

More and more companies are experiencing the need for one or more certificates from their customers or partners.
Read below how ECOHouse works with system construction and what standards we can help with.

The typical course

  • Introductory meeting and appointment

    We uncover your needs and processes
  • ECOHouse prepares documents

    We document your work and translate it into what is required in the standard
  • Implementation

    We implement the system in the company
  • Internal audit

    In collaboration with you, we plan, conduct, and compile internal audit reports
  • External audit

    We participate as your representative for external audits
  • The company receives certificates

    We guarantee a system that does not end in meaningless formalities!

ECOHouse helps with all parts of the process

  • We help in preparing risk assessments - in this way we ensure that it does not become a theoretical exercise without value for the company.

  • We write drafts of policies, visions, and goals - then it is much easier to criticize and correct and arrive at the texts that best suit the company.

  • We write the procedures and manuals that are needed.

  • We help instruct and implement.

  • We conduct internal audits and assist with the management's review

  • We are present throughout the certification process and ensure that it will be a good day for everyone

  • We are often asked to continue as system and compliance managers for the company and are therefore also often responsible for internal audits in the future.

  • We make agreements with the certifying body and obtain tenders for you

Management systems

ISO 9001 - Quality Management
ISO 9001 is a quality management system that is recognized worldwide and is for many synonymous with quality and efficient management as well as a structured customer dialogue.

ISO 9001 for quality management provides you and your company with clear definitions of processes, values, ongoing monitoring and evaluation, so that the organization has a recognized and basic management tool.
ISO 13485 - Quality Management for Manufacturers of Medical Devices
This international standard specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical equipment and related services that consistently meet customer requirements and applicable legal requirements.

Such organizations may participate in one or more phases of the medical device life cycle, including the development, production, storage and distribution, installation or service of a medical device, as well as the development or provision of related activities (eg technical support).

This international standard can also be used by suppliers or external parties who supply products, incl. services related to the quality management system, to such organizations.
ISO 14001 - Environmental management
With Environmental Management according to ISO 14001, you will be able to risk assess your organization's environmental conditions, proactively implement the environment and sustainability as part of the core business and at the same time give the management assurance that your goals for sustainability are achieved.

By using ISO 14001, your work with sustainability, circular economy and the UN's world goals can be concretized and targeted and contribute to achieving the results that you and your company have set for yourself.

You get the opportunity to focus on the most important environmental conditions in the company, ensure a reduction of the environmental impact, and that there are ongoing environmental improvements.
ISO 22000 - Food quality and food safety
The food safety management system is a really good tool for any food business regardless of size. It forms the framework for the organization and structure of the company, brings together procedures and workflows under one system and defines areas of responsibility and competence.

The part of the standard that deals with food safety is based on HACCP principles, which form the basis of the statutory self-monitoring program.
ISO 26000 - Social responsibility
The international standard, ISO 26000, can be seen as a recipe that i.a. provides companies with structure and tools for the work of mapping ongoing and potential CSR activities. In addition, the standard helps to ensure that companies get all the way around CSR, prioritize efforts and set goals and action plans.

The internationally recognized standard ISO 26000 and the Danish DS 49001 for corporate social responsibility provide you and your organization with a systematic basis for working with corporate social responsibility.
ISO 27000 - Information security
ISO 27001 is an international management standard for information security. The standard is a management tool that helps companies protect valuable information - including personal data - in a secure and credible way.
ISO 27001 sets out, among other things, requirements for risk management, documentation of processes and the distribution of roles and responsibility for information security.

The purpose of ISO / IEC 27001 is to achieve effective information security management that suits a company's special needs, as well as to ensure that this efficiency is maintained through a process for continuous improvement.

This means that information security is constantly updated so that the company is able to handle the challenges of a business world under constant change.
ISO 28000 - Security in the supply chain
This International Standard specifies requirements for a safety management system, including aspects relevant to the supply chain.
It provides a holistic and common approach and is not industry or sector specific.
This standard can be applied throughout the organization; at any activity, internally and externally at all levels.
ISO 45001 - Occupational health and safety management
The purpose of ISO 45001 work environment management is to improve your performance in relation to work environment by creating the framework for management and control of the risks that are within your work environment. This helps to reduce accidents at work and create safe and healthy workplaces.

The requirements and guidelines of the standard thus give you a tool to put your work with work environment in a system and ensure that you continuously monitor your work environment and evaluate and improve your efforts.

By introducing the management system for work environment ISO 45001, you and your company work in a structured way with learning in the field of work environment.
EN1090 - Execution of steel and aluminum structures
All mass-produced building components that are manufactured or marketed in Denmark or another EU country must be CE-marked and meet the requirements in accordance with the CPR (Building Products Ordinance).

For load-bearing structures of steel or aluminum, the harmonized standard SS-EN 1090 applies.
If your company manufactures structural building components of steel or aluminum, it is therefore likely that you are covered by these requirements and must act accordingly.

The requirements are set, as these steel components or building structures are defined as safety-critical.

Choose the right advisor and the right certifying body

Our starting point as system builders is that you have to build a system that suits the company and that is neither bigger nor more hassle than necessary. It should make sense to follow the system, and it should preferably also be an advantage.

Or in other words: When you now "have to" invest in and implement a certified management system due to requirements from customers and partners, you can just as well ensure that you can use it for something useful in the company - useful in relation to the company's real needs, challenges and opportunities.

Most people who build systems go the opposite way: The system is built according to the relevant standard, then the company has to adapt. It is our experience that it will never work well and that it almost always leads to the system not being used properly in practice.

What you need to know about management systems
When customers and partners demand one or more of these (or similar) standards, it is often due to an idea that there is probably a little more control over things than if the company did not have a certificate. In addition, you can then say that you HAVE done something - you have made some demands. It must be better than not doing anything at all! And that's enough, but you have to be very clear that these are management systems - not product certificates. This means, in other words, that highly polluting products can easily come from a company with an ISO 14001 certificate in environmental management, or that all products from an ISO 9001-certified company turn out to be dangerous and illegal. It is actually seen very often. In addition, the ISO people will typically say that it is a shame after the book, because it is not just about product certifications, but the vast majority of companies, customers and partners will feel cheated - because if such an ISO certification does not help to ensure better, less dangerous and reasonably legal products - so what does it take? The problem is that this is a huge cultural divide. On the one hand, we have a collection of highly theoretical standardization people, assessors, auditors, and system builders who are unable to understand that their internal logic is not logical for anyone else in the world; on the other hand, we have companies, customers, partners and other stakeholders who are unable to understand that the ISO people see no reason to provide meaning and value beyond their own logic.
Are standards and systems the same?
It may well be that these are standards, and therefore one could imagine that the deliveries were also reasonably standardized - this applies to both the construction of systems and certifications. But that is not the case. Services and prices vary enormously. It makes perfect sense to take more offers home. On the other hand, it can be difficult to see if the offers contain the same thing; therefore, it can also be difficult to get an overview of what you actually get for your money and what you have to contribute yourself. And also keep in mind that certifying bodies and auditors who insist that systems should be built according to the logic of the standard and using the words and concepts of the standard can end up being an expensive and bad acquaintance.
How is a company certified and how long does it take?
In the case of larger companies, a longer time must be expected for the implementation phase. Internal and external audits also take longer depending on the company's complexity and number of employees. As a starting point, a certification of between one and two months can easily be done. The most important thing for us, however, is that the company gets what it needs, so we do not mind telling a company that we think it is a bad idea to spend resources on a certification if there are no immediate good ones. reasons for it.
