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It is certainly not just large companies that need compliance management. The requirement is the same, regardless of whether you are a worldwide group or a bicycle mechanic with 1 employee. The problem is really just that the worldwide group has enough advice and tasks to hire its own experts; the bicycle mechanic must either do it himself or get help at a price that is realistic for a bicycle workshop. ​

ECOHouse has been working with compliance management for large and small companies since 1993. We have gradually developed a number of tools and methods that make it possible to also service the very small companies on their financial terms.

As an example, we very often see that test laboratories test far more than necessary, and often even completely irrelevant. For example, we see a number of test reports showing that stainless steel does not contain PVC. It would be more of a surprise to us if it actually did! We also see many cases where, for example, bandages, coffee cups and footballs have been tested according to the rules for electrical and electronic waste - even though it is demonstrably not possible to watch television on them.

ECOHouse see our task in this regard as two-sided: If it is our customer's supplier who sends such test reports to our customer to document the legality of their products, we review the documentation and ensure that it has been tested correctly and that the products have actually passed the tests.

We also ensure that the products tested match those that our customer wants to buy. If our customer wants to test some products, we review the offer from the test laboratory before the customer starts the tests.

Very often we can delete half of the proposed tests and we can change the test conditions for others so that they actually match the use and materials of the product.

We work with compliance management by

  • Finding out what legislation a company and its products are covered by.

  • Transform relevant legal requirements into practical activities in the daily life of the company.

  • Prepare necessary practical tools and documents that the company must use to comply with relevant legislation or document compliance with legal requirements.

  • Implement it with the company.

  • Find out what is messy or impractical and which the company thus does not risk not getting done.

  • Revise the system so that there is reasonable assurance that the company is getting the things that need to be done in the right way.

  • Follow up every time new legislation comes or the company changes activities.

Customers who use ECOHouse for product compliance typically do so because:

They do not wish to sell hazardous or illegal products
Of course, no one wants to sell products that are hazardous or illegal However, crossnational legislation is not always transparent, which is why we have seen many examples of serious companies being caught in illegal activities.

In addition, we have also seen several examples of companies that, by the media or consumers, are caught in a shit-storm - typically due to some actions of a specific employee who may not have understood how much of an impact they can have on it overall organization.

We help with legislation, approvals, contact with authorities and mitigation of PR-related shit storms
They have often been presented with test reports they did not understand
Perhaps you have received test reports on a product where you had difficulty understanding what the product was actually tested as? And is it, in terms of the test, now ready for the Danish, Nordic, European (or a completely different fourth) market? We help to understand and interpret what you have received
They have encountered hugh costs for irrelevant or meaningless tests
Since test specifications and results can be difficult to read and understand, we also see more and more companies being charged fees for what in practice are unnecessary tests. As an example we have on weveral occasions seen drinking cans tested according to the RoHS directive, which limits hazardous substances in electronic components.

We can therefore help to set requirements for test laboratories and thereby save you time and money - because, we do not think we need to test a water bottle for illegal substances in electronics!
They have experienced a lack of cooperation from suppliers - Danish or foreign - when it turned out that a product was dangerous or illegal and therefore had to be withdrawn
When an accident happens and you are left with a product in Denmark that the Danish authorities do not believe meets the requirements of specific legislation, it can suddenly end up being your responsibility as the importer. You may find that your partners and suppliers try to avoid shared product responsibilities.

We first help you solve the specific problem around the product. Then we prepare product-specific requirements lists designed as a code of conducts or specific declarations that in the future will clearly define responsibility - including the Danish authorities!

In this way, we ensure that you have all responsibilities covered and can cooperate with the authorities without any problems.
They have experienced not getting insurance coverage in a situation with a hazardous or illegal product because they could not prove that they have thoroughly investigated that the product was legal.
We review your insurance conditions, in collaboration with your insurance company, and ensure that you are covered in the event of an accident, breakdown or defect.